
27th September

A lovely morning to be walking on Walney again and lots of birds about today, especially skylarks, which seem to be flocking, perhaps before heading south. Few swallows now. Driving in, I saw two stonechats, near where the family had been earlier in summer and then a second group of 2-3 on willows near the […]


Weasel at the feeders

The feeders were hung yesterday and topped up for the first time today, and we had a little weasel that was very interested, it’s curiosity took it to within three feet from the dogs, A new table top has been also fitted, much cleaner to lay the snacks on. Bob has been busy over the […]



This year the brambles are full of large juicy blackberries and this morning we found the droppings of a fox and it had been on a diet of blackberries , see photo. Further down the path both dogs decided to help themselves, and no doubt the evidence will be there tomorrow. If you are afraid […]


Flying Ants

This afternoon when the sun came out it was up in the middle 20’s and the birds were having a fill of flying ants, Swallows and Starling resting together on the airfield fence in between feeds, Black headed gulls along with Herring and Lesser Blackback were also out to hoover up there prey. Managed some […]