Badgers must really like honey and be immune to bee stings, we found the remains of a dug out nest with one lonely bee trying to make sense of the devastation, see photo. This easterly wind has brought a massive influx of Painted Lady’s and at the moment, except for a few Meadow Brown, they […]
Month: June 2019
The first field is full of Marsh and Spotted Orchids this year, and posibly some Hybrids, see photos. There are a group of White Iris growing in the lower tip, not sure exactly what type, see photos. Dyer’s Greenweed is everywhere especially down the paths. A couple of Blackbirds are feeding their young at the […]
Bee Orchids
It’s that time of year again and the Bee Orchids are blooming, there are three just off the path, on the right hand side going up the tip and also in the usual place, right hand side of gate four in the airfield. A couple of Grasshopper Warblers are singing again, managed a shot og […]
Eider Ducks
The Eider appear to be having a poor year, on the way to check the Natterjack ponds, we spotted a group of 8 female and 1 male Eider duck on the channel but only one lonely duckling. At the pond there were a group of 10 Smooth? newts, see photo of one. Finally managed a […]
Saturday 1st June
It’s that time of year again when the hairy caterpillars appear on the paths, there are plenty but not enough to attract the cuckoo this year; see photos of both the caterpillars and the moths. Bob and Bri