Photos from a clear day.
Month: December 2017
Tuesday 12th Dec
The ice on the ponds has thickened up to approximately 25mm, all the ducks, swans and cygnets on the long pond, have been confined to an area about ten foot in diameter. See photographs, hopefully. Bob and Bri
Try once more
Photos for Clear Crisp day
Clear Crisp Day
The Isle of Man or could be the Isle of White, was clearly visible this morning and so were the mountains in Wales, see photos. Our own mountains were covered in snow and looked very picturesque, photo taken across the field with cows in the foreground, it was cold last night but they will have […]
Sunday 3rd December
As mentioned last week there are a couple of Jays following the feeders but only one visits at a time, and this morning we counted the peanuts eaten at each visit as follows, 12, 15 and 15, whether it’s the same or two different birds, it still a lot of peanuts. A Cormorant was having […]
At the feeders
With this cold snap the birds are eager to get to the feeders and can’t wait for us to leave, see few photos of the usual suspects, we also had a couple of Greenfinches, first this season, but were very wary and did not come down to the feeders, but luckily we saw one on […]