Another hot day, but unusually clear, the Isle of Man was in view, and as can be seen, the turbines are just starting to encroach the view. Yellow Bartsia are starting to flower, they have a long season, but unfortunately the area cleared of gorse, to erect the fence along the channel side, which proved […]
Month: June 2018
23rd to 28th June
We counted three pairs of Canada with young on the long pond, photo shows the oldest group, parents are difficult to spot. Lots of other young birds are about and we caught a Sedge Warbler feeding one. Dragonflies are enjoying this hot spell with a number of Emperors on most ponds, also spotted first Brown […]
June 16th-23rd June
During the last week the weather has been changeable!, extremely cold one day and lovely and warm the next, our biggest problem is choosing what to wear but the poor old wildlife has to survive. A family of Ravens were scavenging on the beach one morning and managed to get a shot of one of […]
Yellow is the in colour
Flowers are blooming and if you prefer yellow then now is the time to visit. Bush Lupin, Lady’s Bedstraw, Biting Stonecrop, Tormentil, and Dyer’s Greenweed are just a few. Bob and Bri
Bee Orchids
Marsh orchids can be found everywhere but the Bee Orchid is a bit more sparse,some can be found on the old tip but are difficult to spot until you get your eye in. There are some which are easily spotted but unfortunately they are just the other side of the Airfield fence at Gate 4. […]
3 June, 2018 13:33
As Bri has said the Swans failed with their nest and moved up to the Long Pond to engage in hostilities with the Canada geese and their brood.A few years ago we witnessed a swan gripping a gosling round the neck and attempting to drown it. A few adult Canadas came to its rescue harassing […]