
Tuesday 23rd August

After all the rain yesterday it was a very pleasant morning today, warm, no wind or rain. The remnants of the rain were still to be found, on grass seeds and stems and it also highlighted the many spiders webs. A Barn Owl was sat on one of the boxes, looks to be one of […]



A Dor beetle dropped into the moth trap this week, just slightly bigger than a Ladybird, as can be seen in the enlarged photo, looks more menacing but is just a harmless dung beetle. On the same day there was a Sexton beetle on the path. Normally a pair will bury a small or part […]


Young Birds

Barn Owls have not nested on the reserve this year and they have not been seen hunting around Gillie’s fields, so it was a surprise to spot a young one in the water tower. This year they have nested on top the tank and one can be seen in the photo, standing on the ledge […]



Cowpat’s could be the answer to the Elf housing shortage. Came across a couple of mating snails at the top of one plant and later on, a slug having a good meal at the top of another. Bri Cowpat Elf Village.pdf