
Friday 12th April

As mentioned in yesterdays blog, the rain did fetch out the Common Toads, they are scattered all down the paths and the Long pond is full, so it looks like another bumper year for them.

Lew told me today he had seen a Blackcap at the feeders and as he was watching a Water Rail came out to feed off the grain. This afternoon I returned and both the Blackcap and Water Rail were still there see photos, we have often heard the Water Rail and Bob found one dead a couple of years ago, but this is a first for me, they are normally very shy.

Another unusual find today were a couple of Fieldfare, I had spotted one this morning but was not sure and then this afternoon found a pair searching for food, don’t often find them this time of year.

On the south feeders there is a long 40mm diam tube made of seed, it is hung about five foot off the ground and today there were quite a few white hairs about 50mm long, stuck onto the seed. What are they from, any ideas??

Finally found the Swans nest on the fishing pond, the cygnets should be due about the 15th May.
