It appears to have gone sadly wrong for the swans, after sitting in the reeds of the fishing pond, for about four weeks, she has given up and left the nest with no sign of any cygnets, at the moment both are residing on the long pond.
The wild flowers are looking well in the areas not being grazed, a couple of photos attached, Goats Beard and Ragged Robin.
Butterflies are also doing very well this year, especially the Common Blue and Small Heath with a few The Wall and Dingy Skipper in between, in addition, lots of day flying moths but unfortunately too quick to identify.
Caterpillars are on the move, Drinker moth, Garden Tiger moth often seen on the paths and the Yellow-tail moth which is gorging on the willow tree leaves, cannot be mistaken with it’s bright colours.
A few swallows were feeding on insects, possibly Mayfly, on the fishing pond.
Bob and Bri