
Monday 11th March

Over the weekend Art Gene, contracted by Natural England, have been interviewing the local public at North Scale, West Shore and Earnsy Bay, as part of their initial research into what people would like to see done to the North End reserve, if anything. It will be very interesting to see what the majority of views are, my personal preference is to leave it alone, as one of the best natural wild landscapes.
Today it was extremely cold with a biting easterly wind, yesterday I found some frog spawn in a flashing and was going to transfer it to a safer location but today the area was frozen solid, will have to wait for warmer weather.
At the feeders there has been a Chaffinch that hovered over the food before landing and when watching today noticed one of it’s legs was not being used. From the photograph it can be seen covered in a white fungus which could be caused by the Scaly Leg Mite, this is the second one seen at the feeders. Even with this problem it appears to managing at the moment.
