Last Sunday as we crossed from the long pond to the field via the path through the heather Bri’s dogs took off in a hurry.
They had the scent of something, they were paying attention to a specific area and when we went to investigate a small, black ferret type animal broke cover and immediately gained cover again with the dogs in pursuit. After more frantic sniffing and rummaging in the cover the animal again broke cover and disappeared into more rough ground. The dogs tried to flush it out without success. So after ten minutes or so we continued with our walk. No photos as it happened so quickly.
If it is a mink this spells trouble for the forthcoming nesting season for all nesting birds especially ground nesters.
One of the two remaining cygnets is injured and is having trouble walking…a leg injury….however it does seem to be improving, lets hope so as it needs both legs to gain momentum for flying.
Bri and Bob