Another overcast day but quite a few interesting sightings, the female Stonechat was on the same tree, along the Airfield fence, as the other day, also in the afternoon there was a male Stonechat on top of a small bush in the middle of the heather moor, this maybe additional to the male the other day.
Just after seeing the Stonchat a flock of 14 Hooper swans flew east towards the channel and then turned south down the channel. See photo.
On the marsh there were at least four Little Egrets, they are difficult to count, when they land, immediately disappear into the gutters. A Heron was also on the marsh, which the Egrets soon spotted, and decided to invade it’s space, see photos.
Further down the marsh were three Roe deer, probably the same three Bob saw at the weekend, unfortunately they spotted me first which resulted in good photos of white bums.
Bob and Bri