Usually at this time of year we are worried about the ponds drying out but not this year they are filled to the top, the ground and us are thoroughly soaked. The wet does keep down activity of birds and insects but during the rain the other day, Yellow Shell moths were about in abundance, with a few Clouded Border, smaller but quite distinctive markings. It’s been a good year for Meadow Pipits and we often see them with food for their young, but no sign of a young Cuckoo yet.
Yesterday it did clear up for a while and brought out quite a few Meadow Browns in the fields, also came across a female Black-tailed skimmer.
Found our first Yellow Bartsia of 2012 on the northern most edge of the northern of the two square ponds.
Today the tiny common toadlets were out in force along the main path, often moving in the wrong direction, back to the pond.
Bob and Bri